100% Buyer Protection Guarantee

We guarantee that... 

Check iconYour tickets will be authentic and valid for entry.

Clock iconYou will receive your tickets with ample time before the event.

Moneybag iconIf the event is cancelled, we will refund your tickets.

Ticket iconIn the event of an emergency, we will work to replace your tickets with tickets of equal or better quality.

What if the event is cancelled or postponed?

If an event is cancelled and will not occur at a later date, you will receive a refund for the full cost of the tickets. If an event is postponed or rescheduled, you may use the tickets on the rescheduled date.

What if I don't receive my tickets on time?

Contact our customer support within 5 days from the date of the event. Many teams, artists and venues do not release electronic tickets until 24-48 hours prior to event start time. Don't worry, we'll make sure you have your tickets in time for the event.

What if there is an issue with my tickets?

If there are any issues or discrepancies with the tickets that you receive from what was purchased, The Ticket Merchant will do it's best to find comparable replacement tickets. If replacement tickets cannot be found or are not available at a comparable price, The Ticket Merchant reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the full purchase amount to the buyer.

What if my tickets are invalid?

In the unlikely event your tickets are deemed invalid by the venue, call The Ticket Merchant's customer service immediately at (03) 9498 1554. If it is after hours, please email us: [email protected]. We will do our best to locate replacement tickets. If replacement tickets cannot be found or if you are unable to contact The Ticket Merchant customer support before the event, we will contact you the next business day. After we confirm with the venue that the tickets were invalid, we will issue you a refund for the full cost of the tickets. For this guarantee to be in effect, you must contact The Ticket Merchant's customer support within 5 days of the event.

What are your Terms & Conditions?

This guarantee is subject to change at any time without notice. In the event of a change in our Buyer Protection Guarantee, we shall post a revised version of our guarantee here, which shall automatically replace the terms of any previous guarantee posted here. Our full terms and conditions can be found here.