About The Ticket Merchant
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1 . Can I cancel my order and get a refund?

Unfortunately, no. As our Terms and Conditions and Refund Policy state, all sales are final. As a resale marketplace, The Ticket Merchant lists tickets that come from a vast network of Australian sellers, all of whom own or manage their own ticket inventory.

Sellers are automatically notified when an order for their tickets is placed. Once this happens, you are backed by our 100% Buyer Guarantee and the seller is guaranteed payment in exchange for fulfilling your order. Sellers do not allow cancellations and are not obligated to offer any refunds, discounts, or exchanges, so we are unable to extend those to our customers.

2 . Is it safe to purchase tickets through The Ticket Merchant?

Yes. The Ticket Merchant is an Australian owned and operated ticket marketplace, providing a safe and secure platform for people to buy and sell tickets to live events. We have been operating in the Australian ticket industry for over 15 years.

We offer a secure checkout through PayPal or through our own secure credit card payment system that means we do not store any credit card information.

We also provide a 100% buyers guarantee on every purchase made through our website meaning if the ticket you purchased is either incorrect or does not gain you entry into the event, you will receive a full refund.

3 . My tickets are being posted - can I track them?

To track the status of your hard copy tickets, please log into your account.

For hard copy tickets, the status of your order will be under ‘Ticket Tracking’. If your tickets have been dispatched, a ticket tracker link will also be present allowing you to track when your tickets will be delivered.

4 . What is my seat number?

As The Ticket Merchant is a marketplace, each seller is required to display the location of the tickets they have on offer but do not have to display specific seat numbers. Because of this, we are unable to confirm seating numbers at the time of booking and you will need to wait until your tickets have arrived for details on your exact seat numbers

5 . What is the 100% Buyers Guarantee?

The 100% Buyers Guarantee means you are protected in the event that the event you have tickets for is postponed or cancelled. In the instance that your event is cancelled or postponed, we will contact you with this information as soon as we have the relevant details.

In the case of an event being cancelled due to COVID restrictions, we will update you as soon as possible with this information and you will be provided with a site credit in line with the ACCC requirements.

In the case of an event being postponed, tickets are usually valid for the postponed date. We will contact you by email letting you know the relevant details and any next steps necessary.

6 . When will I receive my tickets?

Event organisers tend to release tickets in the weeks leading up to an event, sometimes even just a few days beforehand. As soon as your tickets have been sent, we will notify you via email. To view current ticket delays, please visit this page.

7 . Who is The Ticket Merchant?

Welcome to The Ticket Merchant! The Ticket Merchant is an Australian owned and operated ticket marketplace, providing a safe & secure platform for people to buy and sell event tickets. We have been in the business of bringing our customers the best tickets in town for over 15 years.

We only sell tickets provided to us by long-term, trusted Australian re-sellers who we personally know and can therefore guarantee the authenticity of every ticket sold.

We provide our customers with a 100% guarantee, in the unlikely event that you don’t receive the tickets you paid for, you will be provided with a full refund,

8 . Why are the prices on The Ticket Merchant different to those on other websites?

The Ticket Merchant is a ticket marketplace whereby people buy and sell tickets.

Tickets are sold at a price determined by our sellers and therefore ticket prices may be higher or lower than face value. Ticket price is driven by various factors including: popularity of the event, timing of the event and seating location.