
$uicideboy$ emerged from the underground rap scene with a sound that defies easy categorization. Combining elements of Southern hip-hop, trap, and punk, their music is a visceral and intense experience. Ruby da Cherry and $lick $loth deliver rapid-fire verses, often exploring personal demons, addiction, and the harsh realities of their lives. Their beats, produced in-house, are characterized by distorted samples, industrial tones, and a menacing energy. The duo's DIY ethos is reflected not only in their production but also in their grassroots approach to building a fanbase, relying heavily on social media and word of mouth. With a prolific discography that includes projects like "I No Longer Fear the Razor Guarding My Heel" and "Kill Yourself," $uicideboy$ has carved out a niche that resonates with a generation seeking raw, unfiltered expression in hip-hop.