
International musician, Tim Finn has announced his return to Australia this September with his 'The Lives and Times of Tim Finn' tour.

Tim Finn is a celebrated singer, songwriter, and musician from New Zealand. He gained fame as a member of Split Enz and went on to have a successful solo career. With hits like "I Got You" and "Fraction Too Much Friction," he has made a lasting impact on the music industry. Tim Finn's collaborations with artists like Neil Finn and his involvement in theater have further showcased his talent and versatility. He has received numerous awards and continues to create music that resonates with audiences worldwide.


"The Lives and Times of Tim Finn Tour" is a captivating musical journey that showcases the life and illustrious career of Tim Finn. This tour takes fans on an immersive experience, delving into the rich tapestry of Tim Finn's musical legacy. From his early days with Split Enz to his successful solo career and collaborations with renowned artists, the tour offers a unique opportunity to witness the evolution of his music. Through dynamic performances, captivating storytelling, and a repertoire of beloved hits, "The Lives and Times of Tim Finn Tour" celebrates the milestones and defining moments of his extraordinary journey. Fans are treated to a nostalgic and unforgettable experience that honors the artistry and contributions of one of New Zealand's most iconic musicians.

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How can I book my concert tickets Tim Finn?

You can check out our website regarding availability whether you are looking for Tim Finn concert tickets in Victoria or Queensland. For more information on pricing, position of seats available and dates, check our FAQ section on The Ticket Merchant website today! Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.