
Keinemusik is a Berlin-based record label and artist collective known for its influence in the electronic music scene. Founded in 2009 by Adam Port, &ME, Rampa, Reznik, and Monja Gentschow, Keinemusik has established itself as a prominent entity at the intersection of house and techno genres. The label has released a variety of tracks and EPs, showcasing a diverse range of sounds and styles. The collective's emphasis on artistic collaboration and experimentation has contributed to its success and garnered a dedicated following. Keinemusik is not only a record label but also a platform for creative expression, hosting events, and fostering a sense of community within the electronic music landscape. The artists associated with Keinemusik often engage in individual projects alongside their collective efforts, further contributing to the innovation of the music they produce.


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How can I book my concert tickets for Keinemusik?

You can check out our website regarding availability whether you are looking for keinemusik concert tickets in Australia. For more information on pricing, position of seats available and dates, check our FAQ section on The Ticket Merchant website today! Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.