
The Dead South is a Canadian folk-bluegrass band known for their unique blend of traditional bluegrass instrumentation and modern, gritty lyrics. Formed in 2012 in Regina, Saskatchewan, the band gained international recognition with their infectious energy and captivating live performances. Their signature style features banjos, guitars, cello, and vocal harmonies, creating a dynamic sound that bridges the gap between old-timey folk music and contemporary indie influences. With songs like "In Hell I'll Be in Good Company" and "Banjo Odyssey," The Dead South has carved a niche for themselves, appealing to a wide range of music enthusiasts drawn to their unconventional yet highly engaging musical approach.


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How can I book my concert tickets for The Dead South?

You can check out our website regarding availability whether you are looking for The Dead South concert tickets in Australia. For more information on pricing, position of seats available and dates, check our FAQ section on The Ticket Merchant website today! Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.